Thursday, July 5, 2007

day two

I am still soooooooooooo tired. I slept from 8 last night to 1130 this morning, only waking up a few times, and I still feel like I could sleep for a week. Oh man. I can't tell if I feel crappy because of how tired I am or because I am fighting this cold still, but my head does feel a bit stuffy, especially my ears, and that sucks. I want to take a nap, but I probably won't wake up for ages, and then I'll be all mixed up. But tonight there are 20-some-odd people gathering for Heiko's birthday party and just listening is going to be exhausting. Everyone talks so fast it's hard for me to understand. Yesterday Norman and I spoke some troll at each other (point and grunt.. everyone can speak troll) because he has one year of english and I have 1.5 years of german and it was difficult. We got along alright, though, and only went for the dictionary a couple times. He's the one who set up the internet on my computer... we both speak that, at least.

It's rainy and cold, but today we took a walk in the woods. And ate blueberries picked off wild bushes. It's really interesting being here. So much of my family lives in this teeny little town. They all walk to each other's houses, to the bakery and butcher, to work, into the woods. There's a path in the woods starting a five minute walk from the house. There's a big tower you can climb and see everything, but it's wet and cloudy out today so I didn't climb it. Maybe some other day, and I'll take some cool Black Forest photos.

The internet is slow here, so I don't know how many pictures I will actually post, but I signed up for a flickr account today. So far most of my photos are of Marieke. We've established somehow that she's my 2nd cousin once removed (so complicated), and she's a year old and very cute. So far, my photos are taking a loooooonnng time to upload, and I'm not sure if I'll get sick of waiting before they finish. However. I am feeling too tired to think of things to say in any language right now, so I'm going to go fall over somewhere for a bit be dragged off for the party, oh god.

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